Friday, March 27, 2009

Questions to kids

Shanna sent out a list of questions that someone sent her to ask her kids. The answers are quite funny on hers. But here are the questions and answers my kids gave me. Mine weren't so clever, but here they are anyway.

1. What is something Mom always says to you?
SIK - Clean up my room
SAK - Clean up my room
2. What makes Mom Happy?
SIK - Obeying
SAK - When I clean my room
3. What makes Mom sad?
SIK - Disobeying
SAK - When I disobey
4. How does your Mom make you laugh
SIK - Carrying my baby doll around
SAK - Me and my silly good looks (huh?)
5. What was your Mom like as a child
SIK - "I don't know"
SAK - She played with dolls a lot
6. How old is your Mom
SIK - 77
SAK - 101
7. How tall is your Mom
SIK - 50"
SAK - 12"
8. What is her favorite thing on TV
SIK - Quilting
SAK - Dr. Phil
9. What does your Mom do when you're not around
SIK - Chores
SAK - Scrapbooking
10. If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
SIK - Quilting
SAK - Quilting
11. What is your Mom really good at?
SIK - Football (really?)
SAK - Sewing
12. What is your Mom not very good at?
SIK - Wii baseball
SAK - Cleaning rooms
13. What does your Mom do for her job?
SIK - "Do you have a job?"
SAK - Cleans the house
14. What is your Moms favorite food?
SIK - Spagetti
SAK - Mooshu (what is that?)
15. What makes you proud of your Mom?
SIK - Going to Chuckee Cheese (I have no idea where that came from)
SAK - She's nice and pretty
16. If your Mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
SIK - Hannah Montana
SAK - The Mom in Monsters vs. Aliens
17. What do you and your Mom do together?
SIK - "I don't know"
SAK - Takes me to a gift shop together
18. How are you and your Mom the same?
SIK - "I don't know"
SAK - Both wear socks everyday
19. How are you and your Mom different?
SIK - "You have brown eyes and I don't"
SAK - "Mom likes to wear collars and I don't"
20. How do you know your Mom loves you?
SIK - She just does
SAK - When I smile cutely
21. What does your Mom like most about your Dad?
SIK - He has gray hair"
SAK - He goes on dates with her (giggle...) (not sre about this one. We go on one date a year).
22. Where is your Mom's favorite place to go?
SIK - Famous Daves (never been there)
SAK - Home

Well I sound quite boring. Some of the answers I couldn't quite figure out. But that's what they said....


Shanna said...

I didn't know you played football! lol!

I think mooshu is mentioned in a VeggieTales song.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for following my blog!

I absolutely LOVE your handmade quilts! That is something I've always wished to learn how to do. I had many grandmothers and aunts who made quilts.

I really feel like I know you from somewhere. Your name sounds familiar. Do you attend Southeast Christian?


CJ said...

Emilie, Yes, I do go to SECC. I have been there since 1989. Were we in a bible study together?

I volunteered in the nursery years ago, volunteered in benevolance dept for a year or so too. That was back before we adopted our kiddo's.

Anonymous said...


My family and I started SECC in '88 or '89 (can't remember). We did puppets for the Children's Ministry, especially Wee Worship. My mom and dad were Keith and Faith Pound. We left SECC in 1995 because my mom got ill.

My husband, myself, and our two little ones go to North Bullitt Christian, now. My dad still attends SECC.

Small world! :)