Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Allergy Appt

Sydnee and I had our allergy testing today. What fun! Well at least Sydnee didn't think it was much fun. You know she's upset, when Simon was giving her hugs and trying to calm her down. Actually it wasn't that bad, but I think she is still dragging and a little moody. She made it through and the doctor told her she is allergic to cats, molds and dust mites. I am not allergic to anything in particular. He told me that the 14 years of allergy shots I had taken have finally worked. What great news. He told me once again for the third time to get Hepa filters for our bedrooms. So instead of waiting for Mike once again on making a decision, I went to Lowes and got them. So we'll see what kind of a difference it makes. Since we have cats at home, they said there isn't any reason to take shots for cats. Good news for me.

Sydnee is scheduled to have her nose cauterized. She has nose bleed on a nearly daily basis. It sure gets old because she ruines her clothes, blankets, etc. She has had it done once about 3 years ago, but it's time to try it again. She is having it done on June 30.

I just got information for the kids to go to VBS at Hyland Park Baptist Church. I think I will go ahead and let them go, because of the timing. They would only miss one class due to appointments in Cinci. I'll find out tomorrow.

Simon has a sleep study appointment tomorrow in Cinci and they have their behavior appointments on Wednesday. There is a sewing show on Thursday, so I plan on going there. The kids will get to visit their new Lego store.

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