Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 7, 2009

Today was another day of appointments. The kids had reading lab at school, then to the chiropractor and then I had an appointment with my rheumatologist. After he saw me this time, he decided to go ahead and start treatments. I was worried about that, because I know the medicines can be pretty wicked. I have more swollen joints and he measures them and puts them on a diagram on my chart. Several had moved to a 4 from a 1 or 2 and then there were some added ones. My left pinky finger has been hurting so bad I can't even wrap the steering wheel with it. It literally burns from the hand to the last knuckle. So tomorrow I will start on Methotrexate and Folic Acid. I take 7 tablets of the Methotrexate one day a week and the Folic Acid daily to prevent getting the mouth sores that the Methotrexate causes. Wow, doesn't that sound like fun. So now that means going to the lab monthly to monitor its effects.

After finishing our appointments, it was off to Cincinnati again. The kids had their weekly appointment with Dr. Parkins at 8am the next morning. Then it was back home again.

Thursday was reading lab and OT for Simon again. So not too much going on this week until......

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